Diebold Investigation - Staff Report Attachments

- Attachment A
- 4/14/2004 - Letter from Robert Urosevich of Diebold to CA-SoS Elections Chief, John Mott-Smith, stating that a number of TSx machines did not receive the firmware upgrade required to meet California certification. Also identifies the procedure used to correct the actual vote count disprepancies.

- Attachment B
- 8/28/2003 - Letter from Deborah Seiler of Diebold to Dawn Melhaff of the CA-SoS Office requesting certification of upgraded TSx machines.

- Attachment C
- 10/14/2003 - Letter from Frank Kaplan of Diebold to California Chief of Elections, John Mott-Smith, stating that the Wyle Laboratories is nearly finished with their testing of the AccuVote-TSx and the report should be available for the Voting Systems Panel meeting on October 28.

- Attachment D
- 10/15/2003 - Letter from Deborah Seiler of Diebold to CA-SoS Chief of Elections, John Mott-Smith applying for certification of the AccuVote-TSx touchscreen voting system. Includes description of hardware.

- Attachment E
- 11/20/03 - CA-SoS, Kevin Shelley's certification of Diebold AccuVote-TSx touchscreen voting system subject to specified conditions.

- Attachment F
- 1/16/2004 - Letter from Robert Urosevich, Diebold President, to Dawn Melhaff, CA-SoS Elections Office, requesting to install TSx systems with pre-release software for the purpose of training.

- Attachment G
- 2/06/2004 - Letter from Robert Urosevich, Diebold President, to Mark Kyle, California Undersecretary of State, outlining two options for the March 2nd elections; using, the as yet uncertified software, or paper ballots.

- Attachment H
- 2/08/2004 - Letter from CA-UnderSoS, Mark Kyle, to Diebold challenging Diebold's recommendations in the Diebold letter of 2/6/04. Kyle notes that Diebold has already missed the deadline for California certification, and that their software has failed to be qualified under federal standards.

- Attachment I
- 2/11/2004 - Letter from CA-SoS, Kevin Shelley, to County Clerks/Regestrars of voters (Kern, San Diego, San Joaquin, and Solano Counties) authorizing the installation and use of the Diebold TSx machines, based on the Qualification Report from Wyle Labs. He notes that the software does not yet have federal certification.

- Attachment J
- 2/16/2004 - Letter from Thomas Wilkey, of the National Association of Election Directors (NASED), Voting Systems Board, conditionally recommending that California approve the use of the TSx voting system for the March Primary.

- Attachment K
- 12/19/2003 - Letter from Robert Urosevich, Diebold President, to Kevin Shelley, CA-SoS, affirming Diebold's dedication to accuracy and security. Includes a list of responsibilities that Diebold pledges to uphold. Has attached a copy of a 12/18/03 press release issued by Diebold stating that they are completely restructuring their qualification and certification processes and creating a new "compliance and certification officer" position.

- Attachment L
- 9/30/2003 - Letter from Connie MacCormack, Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk, Los Angeles County, to CA-SoS Elections Chief, John Mott-Smith, requesting provisional certification to use the GEMS software system in the November 4, 2003 Uniform District Election in LA County.

- Attachment M
- 1/7/2004 - Letter from Robert Urosevich of Diebold to CA-SoS Elections Chief, John Mott-Smith, letter requesting review of the Key Card Tool Utility for use in the March 4 election. Describes the juntion of the utility.

- Attachment N
- 2/23/04 - Letter from CA-UnderSoS, Mark Kyle, to Diebold president Robert Urosevich, granting one time permission to use Diebold machines to count absentee and provisional ballots in Alameda County. The ballots had been incorrectly printed due to a programming error, when the GEMS database had not been properly re-initialized after a firmware upgrade.

- Attachment O
- 2/24/04 - Letter from Robert Urosevich, Diebold President, to Mark Kyle, California Undersecretary of State, describing data export program to transfer voting data from Diebold TSx/GEMS early return voting, to the existing Inka-Vote system used in LA County.

- Attachment P
- 2/26/2004 - Letter from CA-UnderSoS, Mark Kyle, to Diebold granting one time permission to use the TSx/GEMS to Inka-Vote export software, per list of conditions.

- Attachment Q
- 3/19/2004 - Letter from Robert Urosevich of Diebold to CA-SoS Elections Chief, John Mott-Smith, requesting conditional approval of the GEMS software to count provisional ballots from the just completed Primary Election. This version of the software can accomodate provisional votes that were cast by voters who were not voting in their home precincts. (per "AB190" legislation)

- Attachment R
- 4/23/2004 - Letter from Sally MacPherson, San Diego County Registrar of Voters, to Mark Kyle, CA UnderSoS, requesting approval to use the GEMS system to print about 5,000 provisional ballots that cannot be counted by existing means. Outlines the steps required to do the count.

- Attachment S
- 3/25/2004 - Letter from CA-UnderSoS, Mark Kyle, to Diebold president Robert Urosevich, stating that he understands that the request made in Diebold's 3/19 letter is no longer required.

- Attachment T
- 3/25/2004 - Letter from Sally MacPherson, San Diego County Registrar of Voters, to Mark Kyle, CA UnderSoS, stating that San Diego County can count the provisonal ballots using the existing version of GEMS, as per the example of San Joaquin and Kern Counties. She notes that although the count is possible using the existing version, use of the new version would expedite the count.

- Attachment U
- 3/25/2004 - Letter from CA-UnderSoS, Mark Kyle, to Sally MacPherson, San Diego County Registrar of Voters, stating that he understands that the request made in her 3/23 letter is no longer required.

- Attachment V
- 3/26/2004 - Letter from Sally MacPherson, San Diego County Registrar of Voters, to Mark Kyle, CA UnderSoS, stating that she has his 3/24 letter, but would still like to use the newer version.

- Attachment W
- 3/26/2004 - Letter from CA-UnderSoS, Mark Kyle, to Sally MacPherson, San Diego County Registrar of Voters, responds to her letter of the same date, requesting approval to use an unqualified, uncertifiedm, and untested version of the GEMS software. Given that there has been no review of the software, they cannot approve her request.

- Attachment X
- 1/8/2004 - Letter from Robert Urosevich of Diebold to CA-SoS Elections Chief, John Mott-Smith, requesting review of the Precinct Control Module (PCM), which is used to write Voter Access Cards for the Diebold ballot stations.

- Attachment Y
- 2/14/2004 - Letter from CA-UnderSoS, Mark Kyle, to Diebold president Robert Urosevich, stating that the Precinct Control Modules will need to be tested by an Independent Testing Authority (ITA) before certification by California. He also notes that the PCM's cannot be used in California elections until they have been certified.

- Attachment Z
- 2/20/2004 - Letter from CA-UnderSoS, Mark Kyle, to Diebold president Robert Urosevich, conditionally approving the use of Diebold's PCM for the March 2 election only, per the opinion of the state's technical consultant after a review of a report by Cyber.

- Attachment AA
- 1/15/2004 - Report to the Voting Systems and Procedures Panel (VSPP) - Prepared by the Secretary of State Elections Division. - Attachment BB
- Attachment CC
- (Part A)
- (Part B)